By Roger
  • (3 Reviews)

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 81
  • 1528 Minutes

This course prepares you for the TOEFL IBT test. This course explores a wide range of English expressions both academic and professional in a simple way towards adults through TOEFL English topics.

  • Discuss in a very easy way English advanced conversations.
  • Recognize mains ideas and supporting details.
  • Crack the questions.
  • Analyze and write strong essays.
  • Successfully pass the test with a higher score.
By Roger
  • (1 Reviews)

Last Updated: 5th February 2023

  • Classes: 40
  • 654 Minutes

English students can now take the Duolingo English Test to obtain their official English proficiency score. Before applying to a university or college in an English-speaking country, you usually need to take a test like the Duolingo English Test. Duolingo English Test is designed specifically for university and college applicants who need an official English score. Similar to IELTS and TOEFL, this test is accepted by thousands of universities worldwide even though it is new. To find out if your chosen university accepts the Duolingo English Test, go to the Duolingo English Test website.

  • Discuss techniques on Reading - Listening- Speaking and Writing
  • Recognize the main idea and supporting details.
  • Crack the questions.
  • Analyze and write strong essays.
  • Successfully pass the test with a 95+ band score.
By Roger
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 59
  • 539 Minutes

This course prepares you for the GMAT test. This course explores a wide range of English expressions both academic and professional in a simple way towards adults through GMAT English topics.

  • Cracking Analytical Writing Assessment
  • Cracking Integrated Reasoning
  • Cracking Quantitative Reasoning
  • Cracking Verbal Reasoning
  • GMAT Test Day
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Categories of GMAT Scoring
  • Study Plan
By Roger
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  • (0 Reviews)
Business English

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 3
  • 0 Minutes

Mastery of professional English is essential for career development. The primary objective is to improve your ability to conduct business in English. The Business English modules are designed to develop the skills and enrich the vocabulary and grammar you need to better communicate in the new business world.

  • Academic and professional discussions
  • Techniques to conduct business meetings
  • Business Ethics in the workspace
  • Notes taking strategies
  • Maintain business brand or business image
  • Know Your Customers (KYC)
By All In One
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  • (0 Reviews)
Reading Intermediate (RC202)

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 1
  • 0 Minutes

The second required course in the reading sequence. Students continue the teaching of academic reading started in the first course. Emphasis is on intermediate college skills required for success in content courses, including vocabulary development, critical thinking, paragraph and essay comprehension, textbook and media analysis, note-taking techniques, and dictionary use.

By All In One
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  • (0 Reviews)
Writing Beginner (WC103)

Last Updated: 2nd May 2023

  • Classes: 5
  • 85 Minutes

The first course for American English Language Program (AELP) students in a sequence of courses designed to teach basic academic writing of English. Emphasis on parts of speech, basic sentence patterns, and appropriate use of verb tenses.

  • Produce basic sentences.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of basic American English grammar.
  • Use the basic writing process to produce content-based paragraphs both in and out of class of a minimum of 100 words.
By All In One
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  • (0 Reviews)
Certified Instructor

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

This class has been designed for instructors who are searching ways to improve their teaching techniques, empower their revenues, and impact more students. If you are a teacher/professor/instructor/coach for any subject (academic or professional), and you would like to strengthen your teaching methodology, this class is for you.

  • Planning and preparation
  • Classroom environment
  • Instruction
  • Professional responsibilities
By Roger
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)
Python Programming For Kids

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

This is a complete PYTHON programming course (recommended for age 7 years+). Master the programming language Python with lessons, quizzes, and projects designed for real-life scenarios.

  • Build simple animations for creating your own games
  • Use the tkinter module, Tk GUI toolkit interface
  • Create programs with slightly more advanced graphics and animation
  • Create programs with slightly more advanced graphics and animation
  • Create small other real life applications
By Che
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)
French Language

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 19
  • 168 Minutes

Un cours d'initiation conçu pour améliorer les capacités d'expression et d'écoute des locuteurs francophone non francophones. L'accent est mis sur la prononciation, le stress, le rythme et les modes d'intonation du français, la lecture et la rédaction au niveau débutant. La communication orale, la compréhension à l'écoute et le développement du vocabulaire sont soulignés. Les élèves développent leurs compétences grâce à l'enseignement et à la pratique intensive.

  • French pronunciation
  • Alphabet sounds
  • Reading skills
  • Listening skills
  • Writing skills
By Eric
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)
Kids Program

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 11
  • 19 Minutes

Programme pour les enfants de 4-17ans. : Le “ Kids Program “ Le Kids Program : est un programme Américain conçu depuis 2016 qui vise l’apprentissage de l’Anglais pour les enfants. Ce programme prépare les enfants pour les pays anglophones pour faire face aux défis du Parlé, de la Lecture, et de l'Écoute, et de l’expression écrite.

  • Structure et composants de l’alphabet anglais
  • Lecture anglaise, et prononciation : Écoute Et parlé
  • Comment prendre la parole
  • Recherches guidées
  • La vie des animaux
  • L’environnement
  • Les soins d’urgence
  • Les bonnes pratiques sociales
By Roger
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)

Last Updated: 16th October 2023

  • Classes: 20
  • 191 Minutes

Cybersecurity is about promoting security and strengthening data protection. It is built around an idea that technology and innovation might help the community fight poverty and live healthier lives in the future than we have in the past...

  • Data Security
  • Security Best Practices
  • Threats and Attacks Vectors
  • Networking basics
By All In One
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)
Placement Test

Last Updated: 2nd September 2023

  • Classes: 2
  • 0 Minutes

The test is designed to evaluate your level and is completely online. It's scored by computer and your score will appear automatically right after your attempt. You are free to complete the test in any order.

  • Get your course
  • Determine your level
  • Get your skill score level
By All In One
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 1
  • 0 Minutes

Get help with computers, smartphones, or tablets. There are experts ready to assist you fix IT issues.

By All In One
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)
TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

This course prepares you for the TOEIC test. This course explores a wide range of English expressions both academic and professional in a simple way towards adults through TOEIC English topics.

  • Discuss in a very easy way English advanced conversations.
  • Recognize mains ideas and supporting details.
  • Crack the questions.
  • Analyze and write strong essays.
  • Successfully pass the test with a higher score.
By Hannah
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)
Listen and Learn

Last Updated: 7th November 2021

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

Listen and learn is an interesting English course that teaches non English speakers through listening to songs and conversations. This is a course of 4 hours weekly.

By Boris
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)
Managerial Economics for MBA

Last Updated: 15th November 2021

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

This course is designed for MBA or alike level  of economic analysis and tailored towards management of business to provide  students with an understanding of economic analysis of business practice. The course will set you running when you hit the road of business decision-making through the lenses of economic theory and analysis. Time commitment: 40 hours

By All In One
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

Ce module de cours est spécialement conçu et compilé pour les débutants qui veulent faire leur chemin dans le processus d'apprentissage Linux et devenir meilleur dans les organisations informatiques d'aujourd'hui.

  • Commandes de base et commutateurs Linux
  • Ecrire les scripts
  • Maîtriser le contrôle d'accès, le contrôle de processus
  • Gérer les utilisateurs et les bases de données
  • Manipuler les services et applications
By All In One
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)
Web Design JavaScript

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

The first course for Web Design using JavaScript in a sequence of three courses designed to teach JavaScript & jQuery to an international level.

  • Make your pages come alive
  • Use jQuery to create interactive elements that respond to visitor input
  • Get acquainted with jQuery user interface. Extend your interface with tabbed panels, dialog boxes, date pickers, and oth...
  • Go beyond the browser with Ajax. Communicate with the web server to update your pages without reloading
By All In One
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)

Last Updated: 5th January 2023

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

This course module will enable you to design secure dynamic web applications with the latest HTML5/CSS technologies using web development best practices.

  • Web Accessibility
  • Responsive Web design
  • Design Principles | Media Queries
By Roger
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)

Last Updated: 31st March 2023

  • Classes: 47
  • 197 Minutes

This IELTS course will prepare you to take the IELTS Academic or General tests with confidence. Student have full access to over 80 hours of interactive practice.

  • Discuss in a very easy way English advanced conversations.
  • Recognize the main idea and supporting details.
  • Crack the questions.
  • Analyze and write strong letters & essays.
  • Successfully pass the IELTS test with a 7+ band score.
By All In One
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)
Tutoring Services

Last Updated: 2nd May 2023

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

The Academy provides 24/7, expert, 1-to-1 academic and job support for learners from K–12 through college, graduate school, continuing education, and career.

By Roger
  • No Rating
  • (0 Reviews)

Last Updated: 2nd May 2023

  • Classes: 0
  • 0 Minutes

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to manage data stored in relational databases, which store structured data in tables. Its syntax is easy to read, so it’s easy to pick up on even if you’re completely new to programming, and it’s even useful for non-technical careers.

  • Work with databases using SQL
  • Create queries for tables
  • Build SQL projects