
Writing Beginner (WC103)

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Writing Beginner (WC103)

The first course for American English Language Program (AELP) students in a sequence of courses designed to teach basic academic writing of English. Emphasis on parts of speech, basic sentence patterns, and appropriate use of verb tenses.

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  • 0 students enrolled
  • $140.00
  • $200.00
00-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Course Includes
  • 3.33-8 hours of teacher contact time per week
  • 4+ hours of self-study materials per week
  • Digital coursebooks
  • Private tutorials and academic support
  • Learner Dashboard System
  • Personal study plan
  • Level completion certificate

What learn

  • Produce basic sentences.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of basic American English grammar.
  • Use the basic writing process to produce content-based paragraphs both in and out of class of a minimum of 100 words.

Course Content

5 sections • 5 lectures • 01h 25m total length
Course Syllabus

Please read carefully the course syllabus for this semester to know what to do in the class.

Types of Letters part 1

Types of Letters part 1

Types of Letters part 2

Types of Letters part 2

Types of Letters part 3

Types of Letters part 3

05 Tips to improve Writing
Watch this short video to get the secret of writers. After watching, please submit your essay based on your understanding. Check your Slack for the topic of the week.


  • This course is for anyone. However, if you need a Certificate of Completion at the end of the class, please do the following : 1) Register on the board https://allinone-board.com. 2) Complete the Placement test on the board. 3) Come back here to watch the videos. 4) Finally, complete your selected class board and get at least 80%. If you need help, please email info@allinone-academy.com. Otherwise
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Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of basic American English grammar by identifying basic grammar structures, including sentence patterns and basic verb forms and tenses.
  • Produce basic sentences.
  • Use the basic writing process to produce content-based paragraphs both in and out of class of a minimum of 100 words with the following characteristics: topic sentences and specific supporting details and unity and coherence.

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