
Account and Profile

How to Sign up on All In One-Academy?

To create your first account on All In One-Academy, do the following steps:

Website version

  1. If you are on the website, Click on Signup button on the home page of All In One-Academy platform or click on this link: https://allinone-academy.com/register
  2. Then, Fill out the form; check the Recaptcha; check if you agree to the Terms & Condition, and Privacy Policy 

Mobile App

  1. If you are on the mobile app, simply tap the Sign Up on the Home Page screen of the app
  2. Fill the form and tap the Sign Up button

You will receive two emails from All In One-Academy: the first mail is a  "Welcome User"; the second mail is to "Verify Email Address". Go to your mail and click on the button: "Verify Email Address"

You can also use your LinkedIn or Twitter account to Signup.

Welcome to All In One-Academy!!!

How to Login on All In One-Academy?

To login, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter your email address that you used to Signup and your password
  2. Click on  "Login"

If you Signup with your LinkedIn or Twitter account, you can also Login with them

How to reset your password?

Click on "Forgot Password"

Write your email and click on "Send Password Reset Link" button

Go to your email and click on the mail "Reset Password Notification" from All In One-Academy

Click Reset Password button

Put the new password you want (the password must be at least 08 characters), confirm and click on the button to apply the changes.

My Courses: show all the courses you are enrolled

My Whishlist: collection of the courses you desire to purchase after

Purchase History: view all the courses you purchased; see what you buy, when and the end day of your class

My Profile: all your personal information's like name, password, social profile,...

My Leaderboard: your status and progress, enrolled and completed courses, live classes

Become instructor: at All In One-Academy users/students can request to become instructor and teach what he/she wants